While you might think of Southern Africa as more of a place to see wildlife, go skydiving, or trek up a mountain, you can actually ski in this area of the world, too.
OK, so your options are pretty limited, but there are two places to check out if you want to go skiing in Southern Africa.
The first is located in Lesotho and is aptly called AfriSki.
The resort is located 3050m above sea level in the Maluti Mountains, only a 4.5 hour drive away from Johannesburg. It’s also at the highest elevation of any ski resort in Africa.
And if you aren’t a big skiier, there are bars and other activities in the area to keep you entertained while you enjoy the cold.
The other place to go is Tiffindell Ski Resort in South Africa. It was built in 1993 and is at an elevation of 2810m, certainly high enough for great skiiing.
The resort is located about 25km north of Rhodes and is available to ski throughout the South African winter (June-August), then turns into a fun place for mountain biking and birding the rest of the year.
One of the great things about these two places is they are open in the Northern Hemisphere’s southern months, making it a cool destination if you want to get your ski fix year round.