Being vertically challenged has its benefits — more leg room in airplanes and cheaper bus tickets because the driver thinks you’re 15 — but it also has its disadvantages! Here are a few things that really get to shorties.

(Tyler McCulloch/Wikimedia Commons)
1. The Pick Up Hug
We don’t want to be picked up when we are being hugged. All we ask is that you bend down just a bit and we’ll stand on our tip toes to accommodate you, too. Easy!

(Mikevaleriani/Wikimedia Commons)
2. Being Tapped On The Head
We might be little and cute, but we aren’t dogs, so stop treating us like one. We might have spent two hours doing our hair so don’t mess it up. That goes for pinching our cheeks too. It’s just rude.

(Rob Sinclair/Wikimedia Commons)
3. General Standing Tickets At Concert
Dear friends of shorties, please don’t buy standing tickets at a concert. We know it might be cheaper and you’ll be able to see everything, but having to stand on our toes and stretch our neck out just to see is not fun.

(Dwight Burdette/Wikimedia Commons)
4. Being Asked For ID Everywhere
To anyone else over 25, being asked for ID is flattering, but for shorties who get asked everywhere no matter what age you are, it’s annoying. Look at our faces and you’ll see the wrinkles and grey hairs. Don’t just assume because we can hardly see over the bar that we are young.

(Maegan Tintari/Wikimedia Commons)
5. Clothes Never Fit
Rolled up pants, pulled up sleeves and t-shirts that reach your knees is a normal thing for shorties. A pair of jeans always costs an extra $15 to have the hem taken up by a tailor.

(Downtowngal/wikimedia Commons)
6. Backpacks Are Always Too Big
When a backpack takes up half your body and the only ones that fit have Spider-Man, Dora The Explora or Ben 10 on it, you know you’re short. It’s embarrassing walking around with a kiddies backpack on.
7. Driving
If only the steering was about five inches lower, we wouldn’t need to sit on pillows to see where we are going. Oh and if you want some more space as a passenger, sit behind a short driver whose seat is pushed all the way to the forward.

(Kjersti Holmang/Wikimedia Commons)
8. Theme Park Height Restrictions
Even if you’re 35 years old, the height restrictions at theme parks still apply. So while all the tall people are having the time of their lives, you’re stuck on the sideline eating pickles and watching.

(Kelley Boone/Wikimedia Commons)
9. Dating Gets Complicated
For short guys, finding a girl shorter than you can be difficult. Unless you’re super wealthy like Kevin Hart and your height doesn’t count, you’ll just need to keep on searching. For girls it’s a bit simpler, but you don’t want to be dating a giant.

(Gnangarra/Wikimedia Commons)
10. Kitchens Are The Worst
There is always a stool waiting to be used in a short persons home. Nothing is ever within reaching distances and it involves us climbing up counter just to get to the good dishes. Kitchens are just not built for us.

(SeppVei/Wikimedia Commons)
11. Socks
There is no such thing as ankle socks for short people. Everything we wear still sits mid-calf and looks ridiculous — unless you’re skateboarder or in a punk rock band, then it’s cool.

12. Our Feet Never Touch The Ground
Whether it’s at our office desk, sitting on the couch at home or even the toilet, our feet never touch the ground! We either sit forward and never truly relax or just leave our feet to dangle like a little kid.

(Thomas Ricker/Wikimedia Commons)
13. Standing In A Pool
Treading water is a real thing for shorties, even at the shallow side of the pool. It’s all fun in the sun until you need to get floaties and hangout in the kiddies pool because you have a cramp from treading water.

Ariana Grande has that cute girl problem that all us shorties have even when she is dressed sexy. (Krustyandhomer/Wikimedia Commons)
14. Being Called Cute
Even though you’re dressed like a grown up, to everyone else you’ll still be cute. Go on and put on your sexiest outfit, you’ll still be that four letter word. Better get use to it.

(Lionel Allorge/Wikimedia Commons)
15. Grocery Shopping
You might as well put on that sexy outfit when going to buy groceries, as you’ll probably have to flirt your way to getting what you want. You’ll be asking “Excuse me, do you mind getting that off the top shelf?” to every second person.
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