15 Photos Of The Masai Mara That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Take a look at these 15 photos and you’ll understand why the people and wildlife of Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve have made it one of the world’s most famous.

lion masai mara

Lion in Masai Mara (Shutterstock)

chinese tourism in east africa

An elephant gazes at hot air balloons on the plains (Shutterstock)

cheetah masai mara

A leopard rests in the shade (Photo by Lindsay Seegmiller)

Masai men and women doing their traditional "jumping" dance (Vadim Petrakov/Shutterstock)

Masai men doing a traditional “jumping” dance (Vadim Petrakov/Shutterstock)

wildebeest sunset

Wildebeest at sunset (Shutterstock)

wildebeest crossing

Wildebeest crossing the Mara river (Shutterstock)

Grey Crowned Cranes

Grey crowned cranes (Shutterstock)

masai giraffes closeup

Giraffes getting up close and personal (Shutterstock)

masai zebras

Plains zebras (Shutterstock)

masai secretary bird

A secretary bird (Shutterstock)

masai elephants drinking

Elephants drinking water at sunset (Shutterstock)

masai agama lizard

A colorful agama lizard (Shutterstock)

masai children

Masai children (Anna Omelchenko/Shutterstock)

masai mara hippo

A hippo peeks above the waterline (Shutterstock)

masai vervet monkey

A vervet monkey shyly gazes at the camera (Shutterstock)

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