It’s pretty easy for vegetarians to be vegetarians, but some people (mostly meat eating folk) just can’t get the concept through their heads. And when someone doesn’t understand something, they ask loads of questions and make too many assumptions. Here are a few things vegetarians are sick of hearing.

(DougsTech/Wikimedia Commons)
1. But Do You Eat Chicken?
If you didn’t know, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat. None whatsoever! If you don’t know what a meat product is you should go back to first grade and smarten up!

(fastily/Wikimedia Commons)
2. Where Do You Get Your Protein From?
Eggs, peas, sunflowers seeds, cottage cheese, quinoa, Greek yoghurt, nuts, peanut butter, poppy seeds, beans, chickpeas, sesame seeds, tofu, edamame, leafy greens, hemp, chia seeds, seitan (meat substitute) and soya milk. Any other questions?

(cyclonebill/Wikimedia Commons)
3. I Could Never Give Up Bacon
Yes, that fatty piece of pork on your plate might look and smell good, but no thanks. To carnivorous folks, everything is better with bacon, but to vegetarians everything is better with feta (cheese). P.S., pigs are smarter than your dog. Let that one sink in the next time your bacon is sizzling. Oink oink.

(Kyoushoku/Wikimedia Commons)
4. Is It Some Kind Of A Religious Thing?
The good old religion question. It’s a pretty personal question to ask, so maybe think before asking this one. People become vegetarians for many reasons — ethical, health, religious, or maybe they just don’t like meat!

(Eirik Newth/Wikimedia Commons)
5. Are You One Of Those Save The Animal People?
Don’t ask a vegetarian if they are an animal lover when you’re ordering a steak at dinner. You’ll probably get a pretty gross answer. Or you might get the “I don’t care about the animals” answer.

(Wikimedia Commons)
6. Humans Were Meant To Eat Meat
Like humans were meant to run around naked in the streets, live in mud huts and hunt for their dinner. I guess eating a pork chop makes you more of a 21st century human being.

(Redboston/Wikimedia Commons)
7. You’re A Plant Killer
Maybe one day someone will discover that the wind is actually millions of tiny plant screams, then vegetarians will probably stop eating veggies and die of starvation. Until that day, they probably will laugh at your plant killer theory.

(Ravedave/Wikimedia Commons)
8. Just Try This Piece Of [Insert Meat Product]
If a vegetarian wanted to try meat, they wouldn’t be vegetarian. DUH! So pipe down and let them eat their vegetables, enjoy your steak and stop asking people to try things.
9. I was a vegetarian once
Good for you, but no one really cares. When have you ever heard a vegetarian say, “I once ate only burgers for a week just to try it”. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle not just a way of eating.

(Hoyabird8/Wikimedia Commons)
10. You Can Just Pick Out The Meat
The meat has touched all the non meat parts of the dish and has probably been cooked, steamed or grilled together. And yes, using beef stock in a veggie meal is not cool!

(Lachlan Hardy/Wikimedia Commons)
11. Do You Only Eat Salad?
Salad is yummy, but there are a whole lot of other options that vegetarians can choose from. From pizza to sushi, they all come in a veggie option. Next time you at your favourite restaurant ask the waiter what the veggie options are. You might be surprised.

(mathieu dreo/Wikimedia Commons)
12. You Don’t Know What You’re Missing
If someone could tell vegetarians exactly what they’re missing out on, then maybe they’d conform to meat eating. But I doubt it. Just keep on enjoying whatever vegetarians are missing out on.

(Stu Spivack/wikimedia Commons)
13. Is It OK If I Eat Meat In Front Of You?
No, you need to starve or eat whatever I’m eating! Jokes! Vegetarians don’t really care what is on your plate as long as what’s on their plate does not contain any meat.

(2bgr8/Wikimedia Commons)
14. If I Paid You A Million Bucks, Would You Eat This Piece Of Meat?
What would anyone do if they were offered a million dollars that compromises their morals and ethics? Obviously say no, so stop asking. How about we pay you a million dollars to be vegetarian for a year.

(jeffreyw/Wikimedia Commons)
15. Are You Vegan?
Does the milkshake, leather jacket and egg in my salad not give it away? There is a huge difference between being veggie and being vegan, but everyone sees it as the same thing. Do some research before asking silly questions.
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