Are you tired of people ranting about how they don’t want summer to end and why they’re dreading the upcoming chilly season? You’re not alone. Whether it’s donning warm knitted sweaters or drinking spiced coffee, Autumn has a plethora of wonderful perks. Here are 17 sure signs that you are, indeed, a fall person.

Courtesy of Marilyn Peddle/
1. Leaves changing colors
The sight of Mother Earth changing into brilliant colors of red, orange, yellow and brownish hue takes your breath away. Every day you bask in the joy of having to walk outdoors and feeling like you’ve been placed inside a postcard or a romantic flick. Autumn is the time to be in love, a time to be with your family and a time to be ecstatically happy for no real reasons.

2. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
You get thrilled when Starbucks or a favorite local coffee shop puts your long awaited favorite latte back on its menu. You’ll pretty much order nothing but pumpkin or cinnamon flavored hot drinks throughout the season. Nothing will blanket you more with warmth and love like a cozy pumpkin spice latte on a chilly day.

Courtesy of Dylan T. Moore/
3. Seasonal scented candles
You find something special and unique about autumn’s seasonal scents. Whether it’s from a cinnamon broomstick or a pumpkin buttercream candle, your home will feel noticeably cozier when masked with these scents. Heck, fall might be the only time you actually find shopping for candles to be a pleasure.

Courtesy of Tinaduzgen/
4. Pie Season
It’s pie season! You find yourself hitting the grocery stores and bringing home pie mixes to bake that sweet potato pie you’ve been craving all year. Or you’ll find yourself begging your favorite cook in the family (we’re looking at you grandma) to bake her fantastic apple cobbler or pumpkin pie. This person will happily oblige because after all, it’s autumn, the season for tasty treats.

Courtesy of Linda/
5. Comfy Cardigans and Sweaters
It’s time to remove the mothballs and bust out your favorite outfits–cashmere sweaters and knitted cardigans. You’ve noticed that in the fall, people automatically dress much nicer and cozier. You can’t help but feel that the magical season has something to do with it. Absolutely everyone looks good in seasonal earth-tones colors.

Courtesy of Paraflyer/
6. Halloween
Halloween is one of your top three favorite holidays (if not first). You find it exciting to plan out your costume in advance (or your kids’ if you have any) and adorn your home with spooky decorations to invite trick r’ treaters to your doorsteps. It’s the perfect time to sing along to the Hocus Pocus movie, carve a pumpkin or watch a horror flick while snuggling with your loved ones for comfort. You agree that Halloween is indeed, a magical time of the year for both humans and ghouls nationwide.

Courtesy of Vxla/
7. Thanksgiving
Of course you’ll have to throw in Thanksgiving as a favorite perks of fall. When Halloween is gone and you find yourself in November, you’re relieved that there is another wonderful holiday to look forward to. What’s a greater holiday than sharing a fantastic meal with your favorite people, telling jokes and stories and watching Aunt Alice reach for a third helping of the stuffed turkey. Lets not forget the traditional Macy Day’s Parade on television when you can openly debate with your family over the authenticity of inflatable Snoopy this year.

Courtesy of Tim Massey/
8. Pet sweaters
If the weather is chilly enough, you cannot wait to dress up your little furry munchkins with a knitted sweater that will make your pet 10 times more adorable than you could surmise. And you couldn’t be prouder when you take them to the park to let them romp around showing off their new sweater you knitted (or secretly bought) while others point and oohs and aahs over them.

Courtesy of Lecates/
9. Jumping on leaves
You enjoy watching kids or dogs jump gleefully onto a pile of leaves, but your adult-self secretly rather do it yourself. You find yourself resisting the urge to push the kids out of the way and nose dive into the colorful mini-mountain of leaves to relive your nostalgic happy childhood. Whether you succeed in resisting that urge or not, is entirely in your mittens.

Courtesy of Janice Cullivan/
10. Hot soup
After a chilly day, you cannot wait to come home and feast on a hot creamy soup. You’ll instantly feel warmed up and satisfied. And before you know it, you’ll put on your coat again and go outside to enjoy the leaves.

Courtesy of Steven Depolo/
11. Knitted goods
Autumn is also the time to show off your knitting skills by wearing them or giving them as gifts. It could be cozy beanie to shield your earlobes, or fuzzy mittens to envelope your hands into teddy bear likeliness. Colorful scarves always make a gift and it’s guaranteed to make anybody feel like a million bucks.

Courtesy of Arkansas Shutterbug/
12. Perfect weather
You’re thrilled you’re no longer sweating like a pig from the long hot summer days. You can finally enjoy that morning jog with the crisp autumn air and take that much needed hike. It’s never too hot or too cold and you’ve noticed that this perfect weather also enables you to breathe like a renewed person.

Courtesy of John Karakatsanis/
13. Fireplaces and bonfires
Fire rekindles the romance in the air. You get giddy over the idea of roasting marshmallows and making s’mores before retiring the night to watch the fire dwindle calmly, hear it crackle and release its hickory smoked scents.

Courtesy of Alexis Lamster/
14. Spiced Cider
You’re flabbergasted that they don’t serve this throughout the year. But then again, you can understand that warm spiced cider doesn’t really accommodate the hot seasons except fall’s cool weather. So you’ll drink this wonderful hot cup of short-lived cider and feel its warmth around your fingers as you clutch onto the mug. Then you’ll think–wait a minute–don’t they also come in chilled too? Now there is absolutely no excuse!

Courtesy of Olle Svensson/
15. Boots
You love feeling the crunch of leaves underfoot with your boots. Boots are much more comfortable to wear and sophisticated looking than summer sandals. Fall is the time to show off your favorite Doc Martens or Timberlands.

Courtesy of Susanne Nilsson/
16. Gourds
You traditionally decorate your home with gourds of various size and color for no rational reasons. Sometimes, on an impulse, you’ll grab one of your gourds hoisted over the fireplace to make a spaghetti squash or a pumpkin pie. Flowers are the least of your interest this season, it’s all about the gourds.

Courtesy of John Bell/
17. Mulled wine
You get giddy when you are invited to a party and find mulled wine simmering in the kitchen. No autumn get-together event is complete without these aromatic, spiced fruity wines. You’re always the first in line for a mug when its ready to serve. As you gleefully savor every sip, you sit around the bonfire to enjoy the crisp autumn air and pray this moment would never go away.
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